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Mechanical vibrations or is Kabardin O right?

Mechanical vibrations or is Kabardin O right?

Physics. School Student's Handbook. Kabardin O.F.


M.: 2008. - 5 75 p.

M.: 2008. - 5 75 p.

The reference book summarizes and systematizes the basic information of the school physics course. It consists of five sections; “Mechanics”, “Molecular physics”, “Electrodynamics”, “Oscillations and


Prayer from enemies - protection from evil and damage

Prayer from enemies - protection from evil and damage

A sincerely read prayer against evil, enemies and corruption will be heard by the Lord and Patrons. The forces of good will definitely respond to the call of the righteous and save you from enemies, the unclean and the damned. Find out miraculous holy texts for protection. In the article:Moli


How to choose healthy pasta?

How to choose healthy pasta?

03/08/2016 Before moving on to the types, I’ll tell you what pasta is. Pasta (pasta or pasta) is a yellow product made from dried or fresh dough. The dough for classic pasta is made from wheat flour and water.


Mass. J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor: history, video, interesting facts, listen What genre does the mass belong to?

Mass.  J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor: history, video, interesting facts, listen What genre does the mass belong to?

Mass (Late Latin missa, from Latin mitto - I send, release; Italian messa, French messe; German Messe, English Mass) is the central rite of the daily liturgical cycle of the Catholic Church, in which, as a rule, an important role is given to music. M.-service is similar


Who shot Umar Dzhabrailov Umar Dzhabrailov by nationality

Who shot Umar Dzhabrailov Umar Dzhabrailov by nationality

How the rating is calculated ◊ The rating is calculated based on points awarded over the last week ◊ Points are awarded for: ⇒ visiting pages dedicated to the star ⇒ voting for the star ⇒ commenting on the star Biography, life story of Dzhabrailova Umar


Northern summer resident - news, catalogue, consultations

Northern summer resident - news, catalogue, consultations

It’s May, everything around is blooming and fragrant, the garden is pleasing to the eye... And suddenly you notice a web on the bird cherry bushes... No, these are not those silky threads that harmless spiders pull. White dense cocoons are what will alarm you. Things can go so far that


Celery root and apple salad

Celery has been known since ancient times.  This is a very amazing plant that contains many minerals and vitamins.  It perfectly removes waste and toxins from the body, so it can often be found in the descriptions of various diets.  We offer you

Svetlana Emelyanova Creative project “Oh, potatoes, potatoes!” Type of project: Short-term, group, creative. Project duration: one week. Project participants: middle school children, parents of students, teacher, musical director


Why is Lavrov actually leaving the post of minister?

Why is Lavrov actually leaving the post of minister?

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov (famous politician) was born on March 21 back in 1950 in Moscow. At the moment, he directly holds the post of Minister of Russia. The biography of Sergei Lavrov is certainly interesting to many. Let's talk about this for real


VAT on manufactured products

VAT on manufactured products

Definition Value added tax (VAT) is on the surplus (added) value that arises in the process of creating goods, works, and services. The tax is paid as products are sold (work performed, services provided) or