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Baked Dorado in the oven: recipe for fish in foil How to beautifully describe Dorado with vegetables

Baked Dorado in the oven: recipe for fish in foil How to beautifully describe Dorado with vegetables

Dorado is an excellent fish with a delicate taste and small bones. It is suitable for those who do not like to bother with fish dishes and do not really like fatty and dense varieties. The most delicious will be baked in the oven - this way it turns out juicy and healthy for you.


Fortune telling on horse's head meaning

Fortune telling on horse's head meaning

Angel. Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love. Arch. You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also foreshadow a journey. Butterfly. Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures - may indicate unreliability or deception


Literary reading lesson "Visiting A

Literary reading lesson

Plan – summary of a reading lesson in 3rd grade on the topic “A. BARTO. WE'VE LEFT." Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to A. Barto’s poem “We Left.” Objectives of the lesson: 1) teach children to intonationally and expressively convey the emotional meaning of the poem being read


Orthodox Christians against Nicholas II: why the Tsar was recognized as a saint

Orthodox Christians against Nicholas II: why the Tsar was recognized as a saint

In such cases, it is better to refer to the documents: The first thing is important. The Tsar is not glorified alone personally, as some leaders pay attention to; there is no leader-centrism. The act of the Jubilee Council of Bishops on the conciliar glorification of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia


Online reading of the book A Hero of Our Time I

Online reading of the book A Hero of Our Time I

Lermontov's only completed novel, standing at the origins of Russian psychological prose. The author called his complex, dangerous and incredibly attractive hero the embodiment of the vices of his generation, but readers notice in Pechorin, first of all, a unique


“military organization of Russian nationalists” (born) avenged the Russian teacher

“military organization of Russian nationalists” (born) avenged the Russian teacher

BORN case "Combat Organization of Russian Nationalists" (BORN), an extremist community, its members are accused of involvement in crimes motivated by national hatred. On February 11, 2015, the Moscow Regional Court held a debate between the parties


Gemini compatibility with other zodiac signs

Gemini compatibility with other zodiac signs

Air passions in the world of the Zodiac. Gemini, compatibility with other signs Perhaps the most restless and dual sign ruled by Mercury. Lively and extraordinary, does not tolerate criticism, rudeness and prodding. In love, as in business, as in


Beetroot salad with prunes

Beetroot salad with prunes

Beets are a very accessible storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Regular consumption of beets can solve many pressing health problems. And today we’ll talk about the benefits of boiled beets and how to prepare healthy and easy ones! If you are tormented by


Culture of Ancient Greece: briefly

Culture of Ancient Greece: briefly

Which, in turn, brought its culture to almost every European people. The term "Ancient Greece" itself is used to refer to the Greek-speaking population during the period of antiquity and refers not only to the territory occupied today by modern


Settlements with the Social Insurance Fund - the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums Contributions 2 9

Settlements with the Social Insurance Fund - the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums Contributions 2 9

Individual entrepreneurs and organizations that are employers are required to transfer monthly insurance contributions for pension, medical and social insurance to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation from payments to employees working under employment contracts. I still pay my injury insurance premiums.