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After the update, black desert does not start. Black desert won't start

Developer: PearlAbyss


Consider a number of issues related to the problem that sometimes does not start, but at the same time, this MMORPG is in unprecedented demand. Experts say that entertainment can become a standard that has changed the MMORPG genre radically.

The fact is that the authors have managed to combine the latest gaming innovations, as well as really realistic graphics. Naturally, many players were delighted, because the game was able to combine all the best that is usually inherent in the role-playing genre. The only thing that overshadows what is happening a little is the errors associated with the launch of the Black Desert client.

The main ways to solve the problem with the launch of Black Dessert.

If you really encountered such a misunderstanding, and you don’t know why the gameplay doesn’t start, it’s better not to panic ahead of time, try to fix everything on your own.

You should pay attention to the following tips:

  • quite often, it is really possible to eliminate a startup error with a standard action - just restart the computer, in the same way everything needs to be done if the black dessert does not start on Windows 7;
  • if the reboot is not relevant, make sure that the computer has all the minimum requirements for the game client.
  • Sometimes black dessert does not start, sometimes the game simply throws out a black screen, in this case it is worth trying to run the game as an administrator and in compatibility mode with Windows7 or XP.
  • Another reason, of course, is the presence of Russian characters or letters in the path on your hard drive, it's better to rename "my games" to "my-games". If you get an error when starting Black Desert: "account authentication failed" then you just need to restart the game, it occurs from a long idle time in the game menu or when changing the character, this problem has already been solved.

If you have Black Desert installed, and the game client does not start and an error is generated: “ Black Desert game cannot be launched on Windows XP“Although you have a different OS version, the problem is solved as follows:

  1. Find a file DISK\Program Files\QGNA\GameNet
  2. Right-click on properties-compatibility-and run in compatibility mode for Windows 7
  3. If the previous option did not work when restarting the game, try disabling the compatibility mode, that is, uncheck it. See below screenshot:

The next most common problem when launching a game is error kb 785 in Black Desert which can be solved with the following troubleshooting tips:

  • If you have a Windows OS, you should try updating the latest system updates through the panel and restarting your computer.
  • Disable disc emulators (Alcohol, Daemond tools, etc.)
  • Well, check the performance of the system using any suitable program.

Important! To resolve this issue, you must have the latest update KB3033929

What if the above steps are not relevant?

If the client startup error still pops up, it’s better to think carefully why the black dessert doesn’t start, and then take action:

  • go to a resource such as Ati Radeon,, where you can update the drivers, which will eradicate any flaws that arise with the gameplay;
  • when launching Black Desert is not possible, it is better to disable the antivirus first, which can block online entertainment. Surely, everything will work out, but the computer will lose its protection and may get infected. When you are very concerned about security, it is better to prefer a licensed antivirus;
  • defragment the system, check it for errors. To do this, it is better to select a check in the properties of the hard disk, after starting defragmentation.

These are the main causes and solutions for startup errors black dessert . It is rational to launch from the client, moreover, only through the official application offered by GameNet.

Black Desert is an exciting new MMORPG with unique additions that set it apart from other games in the genre. The variety of gameplay will pleasantly surprise any fan of such games. MMORPG is not demanding on computer resources, but sometimes Black Desert does not start, and an error occurs when starting. Most often, this is not due to the game itself, but due to certain Gamenet requirements.

One of the common problems with launching a game is the long wait for the game client to launch after clicking "Start Game" in Gamenet, resulting in the launch never happening.


  • go to the directory with the game;
  • right-click on the launching shortcut, then properties;
  • uncheck "Read only";
  • save changes and restart Gamenet.

If you have Windows 7 or XP, then you need to install an additional update for the system, if you have not already installed it. For Windows XP, this is Service Pack 3, for Windows 7, Service Pack 1 and patch KB3033929. For other operating systems, you do not need to install anything.

You also need the latest drivers, such as: NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008-2015, DirectX 11 and 12. It will not be superfluous to have the latest video card driver.

Error on startup: KB 785

If Black Desert won't start on Windows 7 with KB error 765, then you don't have the Service Pack installed, install it and the error will go away.

If it does not start on Windows 10, then you need to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS. Make sure Secure Boot is set to Disabled or Other OS.

This error usually appears when Black Desert won't launch via Gamenet. Therefore, this problem is due to the requirements of the Gamenet program. In any case, it is solved quite simply. Sometimes the previous methods may not help, then you should check for more recent operating system updates.

It happens that Black Desert lags even on high-performance computers. The reason for this is in programs that conflict with the game. This can be either an antivirus program or other programs, such as MSI Afterburner and the like. Just disable all programs before launching the game launcher.

All you can do to optimize the speed of the game and increase the FPS is to set the graphics settings to the minimum. Sometimes it is necessary to transfer the game client to an SSD drive when you have some additional addons installed.

Sometimes you want to enter the game, and there begins a long procedure. Read how to disable file checking in Black Desert once and for all. Launcher stood in your way for the last time.

We do everything by hand

First you need to force the system to show system files.

To do this, go to the control panel and select "Folder Options" (may also be called "Explorer Options"). There, select the "View" tab and enable "Show hidden system files".

Now go to the directory " AppData\Local\Vabanaul\GameNet\Torrents". There is a file that looks something like this - " 30000000000.resume". So you need to remove it.

I recommend making a backup. Just change the extension to "resume1". In which case, just remove the one and return everything as it was.

When you launch the launcher... it will start checking again. Only this will happen for the last time. As soon as the game makes sure that everything is 100% in place, it will lag behind you and let you play for fun.

Here's how to disable file verification in Black Desert. It's very simple, so you'll quickly get rid of the annoying feature that's been ruining your life for so long.

If you decide to play Black Desert OBT in Russia, downloaded the GameNet application, installed the game through this very application, and after the long-awaited launch you have a black screen, then don’t be discouraged, but follow the instructions:

1. If you have a BLACK SCREEN after pressing the "Start Game" button, then you need to wait until the client loads. Even on relatively powerful computers, it takes a long time, I have to wait about 1-2 minutes.
2. If you have an SSD drive, then you need to install the client on a solid state drive, loading should become much faster.
3. Run the client only through the official application from GameNet, no torrents and the like. Everything is downloaded from the application.

Black Desert won't launch "Account authentication failed"

Everything is much simpler here, it is enough to restart the client, and everything will work, such an error appears after a long idle time in the main menu, or a long re-entry to the character.

Information for Korean servers

1. The most common mistake is the problem with the plugin. After you click Game start, an error window appears, 2 choices, Yes or No, after clicking on Yes, the browser closes and another error appears with the inscription OK. And then nothing.

How to solve a problem.

1. We do everything according to the instructions. Did not work out? Then point 2.

2. Open the registry editor on the computer. Start-Run-Regedit

Are looking for.

Change Version to 1,0,0,4

2. An error occurs for those people who were able to enter the game without the identification process, and soon, when they try to press the Game button, the start throws it on the identification page itself.

Solution to the problem: buy an account with an already passed identification.

3. Entering the game, it gives an error, even if nothing is done.

Solution: The error is primarily related to the VPN
1. Enable Korea VPN.
2. If it didn't work out, then try to install a VPN of another country, not the Russian Federation and not China.
3. If it fails, then try to install Korea Paid VPN.

4. We went into the game, accepted the user agreement and got an error.

The error is related to the incorrectly entered six-digit security codes.

Solution to the problem: the Koreans made the function of resetting the six-digit code in the personal account at the office. site.

You won't be able to reset it, as you don't have a Korean phone, but you bought an account.

There are two ways to solve:

1. If you bought a Gold (Gold) account on, you can describe your problem in a letter to those. support ( [email protected] com) You can write in Russian, but better in English and without abbreviations. After that, the six-digit code will be reset within 10 minutes.

2. If you bought on, then you should write only in English. language ( [email protected] com).

3. We went to the server, started to create a character, created. An error came out at the very end of character creation.


1. If this is already your second hero, then you will not be able to create a second character. You need to remove the first one.

2. Check if a constellation has been selected.

3. Nickname must be from 3 to 16 characters.

4. If yesterday everything worked, and today it gives such an error when you press the Game start button.

Problem solution: We are looking for a folder with our game. Right-click-properties-tick with "Read-only" remove.
5. Incorrect display of text.
Solution: Start Menu—Control Panel—Clock, Language and Region—Regional Standards—Advanced—Change system language—to Korean.

6. When you press Game start, select 64bit system. Nothing happens or everything disappears.

Solution to the problem: If the system is 32bit, then it will not work to run 64bit.
If it's 64bit and there's a problem, then it's Windows.

7. After entering the game, and selecting a server, character, and loading, an error appears.

Just check the files with the game launcher.

And finally, most of the errors are solved by updating the game launcher.
Hope the guide was helpful.

Black Desert has a black screen when starting the game, but menu sounds and music can be heard - a problem that users often face. However, it is not always possible to quickly solve this problem.

Before you start the path to solving the problem, you should pay attention to whether your system meets the requirements of the game. Minimum system requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 (I think that something weaker will do);
  • Memory: 4 GB (recommended 6 GB);
  • Video Card: GeForce GTS 250 or better.
  • Operating system: Windows 7/8.1/10 with x64 bit depth.

Black Desert has been rumored to run on Windows 7 x32 in the past. Today, more and more often, the problem with starting the game is solved by reinstalling Windows to the x64 version. Therefore, I advise you to start with this. Moreover, the x32 version cannot address more than 3 GB of memory, while the minimum system requirements are 4 GB.

If reinstalling Windows to the x64 version, as well as upgrading the computer to the minimum requirements, did not solve the problem with starting the game, then follow the instructions below.

(!)Before you start, try setting the launcher to full screen mode (FULL). Sometimes this is the problem.

In the article, first of all, the tips that help most often will be given. Solutions for rarer cases will follow. Perhaps this will be your case. Be patient and consistently follow all the steps from the first step to the last, if necessary. After each step, check the performance of the game. Sometimes you have to wait a minute before the picture appears. Keep this in mind.

1. Remove the "Read Only" switch

Take off the birdie "Only for reading" in the properties of the game folder. To do this, you need to find the folder with the game Black Desert, right-click on it and in the context menu that appears, select "Properties". Uncheck "Only for reading" and press successively "Apply", then "OK".

Do not forget to check the performance of the game after each step, and if there is no result, go to the next step. Remember also that you need to wait at least a minute.

2. Restore the client

To do this, launch GameNet, go to the Black Desert page and go to "Settings".

In the window that opens, click "Reestablish". Wait until the end of the operation, then check the performance of the game.

3. Update your video card driver

How to find out what video card you have is written in the article:

How to update the video card driver is written in the articles:

4. Remove the torrent file

In the folder with the installed game, find the file and delete it.

Follow the same path: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Vebanaul\GameNet\torrents.

Find and delete the file 30000000000.resume.

Then you need to restart the GameNet application.

5. Update DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft Net Framework

Download and install the required components:

6. Reset BIOS settings

There are several ways to reset the BIOS. How to do this is written in the article:

7. If nothing worked

If you have reached the sixth point and, having completed it, did not receive a result, then there may be the following reasons for this:

  • You have not fulfilled 6 point properly. To be sure, do it in two different ways as written in .
  • You have a rare case when the configuration of your computer will be "friendly" with the game only on certain versions of the video card drivers. Try installing one of the older drivers.
  • You have an outdated operating system. Minimum Requirements Window XP Service Pack 3, Windows 7 Service Pack 1. For Windows 7 Service Pack 1 may need an update KB3033929. You can download it from the link: for and for.