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What is atmospheric electricity in the 18th century? Atmospheric electricity

18 September 2017, 13:14

In the photo there is a pole without wires, and the tram is running without horses and without “horns” connected to wires?

As we know from history, first there was a horse-drawn tram, that is, a tram drawn by a horse, but it moved on rails, and only then, the well-known tram with electric wires. But, looking at old photographs of the second half of the 19th and even the beginning of the 20th century, you notice the presence of trams that seem to travel by themselves - without a horse and without wires. But how can this be? You don’t understand how it rides, neither the horse nor the wires through which electricity is supplied... It insults the scientific approach, you know, it doesn’t correspond to common logic...

And so, I find this information. On May 31, 1879, the world's first electric railway opened in Berlin and the first electric train, designed by Werner von Siemens, was demonstrated. The electric motor of the microlocomotive received electricity via a contact rail. The length of the circular railway was 300 meters. Visitors to the exhibition were extremely surprised by the train, which moved without steam or horses. Initially, Siemens developed an electric train for use in mines, but already in 1881 the first electric tram entered the route in Berlin.

Yes, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that electric current could be supplied along the rails. But, firstly, bulky transformer-converters were needed. And it’s costly - the lion’s share of energy is simply lost even at a short distance. The second option is that trams could move using chemical batteries (accumulators). But even today they are bulky and take a long time to charge. Yes, and it was immediately obvious from the design. And here are light, unencumbered “carts on wheels.”

And so, something happened in our history, it retreated, and the time came for “horse trams”. People have found a better way to pull heavy carriages - with the help of a horse! I can’t remember who came up with the idea of ​​harnessing horses... And where did it all go... A horse tram to replace electric traction? However, scientific and technological progress!

But this “idyll” did not last long; electricity again wedged itself between man and horse. This photo (below) captures the moment the horse-drawn tram transitions to the classic tram we are used to, with a pantograph raised to the wires.

Wireless electricity poles?

Was the (undoubtedly great) Nikola Tesla, the discoverer of wireless electricity?

It is quite possible that the scientist was simply trying to restore prohibited, lost technologies.

I would like to quote the opinion of a specialist on this topic. “As an electrician, I can say that in many ways the arrangement of the crossbars the way they are located in the photo is nonsense for wiring. There are numerous opinions that the wires were simply not hung. Maybe, but the geography of the photo where there are no wires is huge, from Irkutsk to St. Petersburg.

This is very strange, especially since there are high-quality photos where foreign wires are clearly visible. You can no longer blame the quality of cameras and photographic materials.

If you look closely, there are actually objects hanging on the traverses that are similar to porcelain insulators, at least in shape. What was their secret? Most likely, they formed a medium for the propagation of ether disturbances of a special characteristic. It is not for nothing that these pillars stood on the busiest streets, where there is a lot of public transport. It is possible that Tesla demonstrated his car with the famous box in the coverage area of ​​these pillars, and the box was for props. The traction was provided by a completely different mechanism.

There are also many photographs showing a tram running on rails without wires or a pantograph (this was discussed above). The secret was simple. The pillars, through their medium, transmitted pulses of the required shape to the antenna, and the tram had a mechanism for amplifying them to the required energy value, sufficient to turn the wheels.

Well, the nodes of aggregation (generation) of oscillations to which these pillars converged before distribution, so to speak, turned out to be very numerous, depending on the type of execution. I am attaching a photo, many of the generation nodes on them are already inoperative:

Personally, looking at these photos, I am once again convinced that the schemes for constructing atmospheric electricity installations are primitive and can easily be repeated in our time. "

Such wireless electricity existed throughout the Russian Empire and, apparently, not only there.

Lenin’s well-known merit is that he gave impetus to the widespread electrification of the country through the massive construction of hydro and thermal power plants. But at the same time it was ordered to forget about the so-called. wireless electricity - received directly from the ether.

In fact, Lenin was well informed about the existence at that time of two types of electricity - after all, he was a contemporary and a witness to the struggle between adherents of the two types of energy that was taking place at that time. One, now known as “free energy” or “cold electricity,” was proposed by Tesla. Moreover, in the light of all the new data about the ups and downs of that time, it becomes clear that he did not make his discoveries in a vacuum. He only offered other, more powerful tools for extracting the etheric current.

His opponent, the famous experimental physicist of that time - Edison, proposed using other parameters of electricity and tools for its production. His technology made it possible to control this entire process - and therefore was enthusiastically supported by bankers and capitalists around the world, with whom Lenin allegedly fought, as we were taught in school.

Tesla, as everyone knows, was not supported by the capitalists. Industrialist John Morgan, who financed Tesla's experiments, refused to give money to the scientist after his true goals became clear. Morgan did not want to pay for research into the uncontrolled transmission of energy throughout the planet; he was seriously afraid that Tesla’s invention would deprive him of his sources of profit. Tesla did not find understanding among other industrialists either.

Thus, the free energy of the ether, which any person could freely use, was shackled by modern science and became an instrument of state power and the enrichment of individual oligarchs.

Currently, a lot of material has appeared on the topic of electrical technologies of the past, which for the most part raises more questions than it answers. Indeed, in many old Russian photographs we find unusual appearances of churches, strange poles without wires, and electric-powered equipment that has no signs of external traction force. And it is also unclear why at the beginning of the 20th century all this disappeared without a trace, and in such a way that no materials on this topic could be found. Maybe something really happened on the planet, thanks to which everything stopped working and was dismantled and forgotten, but it all looks more than strange, especially since by historical standards this all happened almost today. What kind of technologies were these that were available to engineers of that time, who did not have not only the latest digital equipment, but also more or less serious equipment of the 20th century? It’s unlikely, especially since the materials from which these structures, incomprehensible to everyone, were made, did not disappear anywhere, and they did not have time to break everything during the Cultural Revolution. The answer to this riddle is most likely somewhere nearby, but it is artificially camouflaged and disguised. Let's try to understand this using the example of a single county town in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. I won’t burden the consumer with this information with complex technical terms; we’ll get by at the level of a school physics course (not quite a school one, but more on that later).
So, the district town in our history is the city of Murom. The city is generally well-known; there are many stories, legends and other folklore about it. In terms of antiquity, the city is not inferior to such cities as Rostov the Great and Kyiv, but that, as they say, is another story and about that some other time. In relation to our topic, we can say that the city, like many other cities, was rebuilt again after some incomprehensible fire in the 18th century; many buildings of that time have survived to this day in the historical center of the city. There is a lot of material on this topic in RuNet, for example or. A lot of historical material is available in museums, and a lot of material from these museums is digitized and is publicly available online. Actually, let's start with it.
It’s very good that there is now a Google Map that shows the modern appearance of a building. Knowing where the historical building itself is located, you can determine what remains of it at the present time.
So, Moskovskaya Street is probably the only one in the city that has kept its name since those times and has never been renamed. Photo approximately 1890-1900.

On the right side of the photo we see an incomprehensible pillar. It clearly shows four horizontal crossbars secured to the post using some kind of U-shaped part. Those who have ever had experience in installing overhead electricity or communication lines can safely say that because of this detail, installing wires closer to the center of the pole is very difficult, otherwise the wires in this case would have to be threaded into the hole between the pole, the crossbars and the pole itself. this detail. What is this pillar for? Obviously not for beauty. With an average human height of 1.7 m, the height of this pillar on a visual scale will be at least 5 m.
Please note that to the right of this mysterious pillar there is a two-story building; at that time it was the house of the merchant Voshchinin. There are exactly two floors.
However, there is a photo of the same building, but from a different angle, but the building is one-story and there is no pillar. Photo approximately 1870-1880 (clickable)

It is immediately associated with the absence of people in the photo for such a relatively large city at that time, but that’s another story. The place where our pillar should stand is circled, but only a lantern can be seen there. The fact that the building in one photo is one-story proves the seniority of one photo over the other. The second floor of the building was added at the end of the 19th century, judging by the subsequent photo. So, we can conclude that the pillar appeared in the range of 1880-1900.
There is another photo, which shows the moment of reconstruction of the building and the addition of the second floor, and it turns out that there are many such pillars and they walked along the street at intervals of 30-50 m.

Currently the place looks something like this:

As we can see, there are no pillars or much else left at all.
Let's move on.
In 1868, at the expense of the mayor of Murom, Ermakov A.V. an orphanage is being created. Initially, the building was one-story; it was reconstructed with the addition of a second floor. Of the available photos of that time, the photo from approximately 1880-1890 has been preserved.

Again we see the same pillars, and there are no wires either. Moreover, there are different numbers of horizontal parts on these pillars, and other pillars can be seen behind these pillars in the background. Judging by the direction of the sun's shadows, the photo was taken from the east. Let experienced electricians correct me, but struts to supports with wires are always placed in the direction of the bisector of the angle of rotation of the overhead line. This rule is clearly not visible on the right column. In addition, porcelain insulators are not visible on the posts, which are always characteristic of lines of this type of that time. The absence of wires in the photo can be attributed to the low resolution of the camera, but the insulators would be noticeable. Obviously there are none. But let’s not draw conclusions based on a single photo.
There is another photo of this building from the south side and from the same time period.

Judging by the appearance of the pillars, these are completely different from those shown in the previous photo. And for some reason, pillars with bars pointing in one direction stand nearby. If there are wires on them, it would be logical to hang them in one direction on one pole. If the wires hanging on them were so thin that the camera could not see them, it would be technically feasible without problems if the horizontal crossbars were widened so that there was no overlap. What is it? It is obvious that the bars on the poles in different places of the city are directed in a chaotic order, not strictly one at another, but according to an incomprehensible pattern.
There are many other photos from different times in the range from 1880 to even 1935, where pillars are present in one way or another:

This is already Trinity Square (under socialism it was also Peasant Square). Our pillars are recognizable by their U-shaped details.

This is Rozhdestvenskaya Street (now Lenin Street). Obviously, in the photo it is already time for socialism, but the pillar is clearly visible and there are even some details on it that look like insulators. There are already regular electric poles nearby.

And this pillar obviously goes through some alley, which has been gone for a long time, to Rozhdestvenskaya Street to the pillar that was in the very first photograph (on Moskovskaya Street).
Many will wonder that this is probably an ordinary wired communication line with fairly thin wires, for example, a field telephone cable, which was already in full use in those days. Maybe, but then the design of the traverses on the poles would be different.

Pay attention to the far left pillar. This is what an overhead communication line looks like. Judging by the portraits of the founders on the building of the City Executive Committee, it is already the end of the 30s.

Overall, everything looks quite strange. If we ignore Murom and move on to other Russian cities, then there are photos of similar pillars there, and the photos are of much better quality. And there you can see that there are no wires and insulators on the poles. There were versions that these poles were made for visual signaling or even traction of urban rail transport, but the example of Murom shows that this is not entirely true. According to Wikipedia, the first electricity appeared in Murom in 1919. Surely this resource is now not subject to political bias and will not distort information. The times were not easy and it was impossible to produce electricity on an industrial scale the way it is produced now, and this is obvious. And if this is really the case, then it is at least inappropriate to talk about any serious means of wired communication during that period of time.

The answer, as always, turned out to be simple and lay almost in plain sight. Having the above photos, based on the analysis of sun shadows and other signs, we can put our strange pillars on a map with the corresponding orientation of the gratings. As a result of this reconstruction we have the following picture:

All the grids of pillars, if you imagine them as a classic aerial line and draw them, come to one point. Skeptics will say, well, of course, this is an ordinary communication line of an ordinary PBX of that time. And here... oops, the very point where it all converges:

The ATS turned out to be funny. Photo from the same time period, i.e. period 1880-1900. Guys are visible at the poles even in a photo with this level of resolution of the camera, but for some reason there are no wires. Even if the wires are very thin, they would be visible in places where they are concentrated. At the top there is a superstructure covered with some kind of hanging cones, and on at least two sides of the building. Skeptics may say that these are ordinary porcelain insulators on grids, but in this case it is not entirely clear why there are no insulators of the same size on the poles and why the pole closest to us is not turned towards the equipment room, which would be logical when hanging wires. Interesting hardware connection. And as you can see from the near post, the U-shaped element is absolutely not needed in this design. And the lantern hangs on the wall without any engineering networks such as gas supply or wires, and without battery containers for these purposes. Strange. What was in this place anyway?

Actually, the city fire department was located in this place (the year of the photo is not determined).

As you can see, there are six depots for fire crews of that time. Apparently, our structure has not yet been built. Immediately behind the fire station you can see the roof of the military presence building, and to the right the roof of the city prison. A sort of collection of law enforcement agencies of that time. Nowadays, when the fireman is sleeping, the country is getting richer, but then, apparently, everything was different. But why did our equipment room appear here? Apparently, it was necessary to protect it from someone. And this system could have many purposes, both military and civilian.
And here is a later photo:

You can see both the equipment room and the pillars. I would like to draw your attention to the distance of more than 100 m from the pillar behind the shopping rows (second from the left) and the pillar to the left of Ermakov’s shelter (fourth from the left). This once again suggests that there were most likely no wires there; at such a distance the wires break under the weight ice in winter and protection from overlap of uninsulated wires is not provided. The design of the equipment room roof is very interesting. There is a spire with an incomprehensible tip at the end. In general, even at that time construction was far from a hoax, and it was clearly no accident to erect such a relatively technically complex structure. It certainly has its own functionality.
Even more strange is that in the period 1927-1935 all this was suddenly demolished or modified beyond recognition. The pillars were gone, the cathedral in the background was gone, and the fire station itself was changed so that the building might not be recognizable at all.

Of the six depots, only three remained, a second floor appeared, and for quite a long time the city fire department was located in this building, from where it moved to another building in the eighties of the last century.
A very strange communication line design was formed, if you can call it that. If the system performed the function of a telegraph, then at least one of the significant buildings known at that time had to be hung with a grid to secure the wires before entering the building. There is nothing similar in any photo of the city government, zemstvo government or other buildings. Moreover, in many photos there are lanterns next to the poles, more like toy ones, in which there is one glass container and that’s it, no lamps or burners are visible. It is also important that the superstructure at the fire station is made of logs. For the purpose of such a superstructure, it is very strange to place such fire-hazardous equipment as a telegraph station. There is another photo of the add-on, but from a different angle:

As you can see, there is a semblance of a cross above the spire of the superstructure. Why does such a purely unitary building, which clearly does not belong to religious buildings, need a spire with a cross? In all the other photos the cross is no longer there, obviously it was knocked down by the fighters for the revolution, but that doesn’t matter. In many guidebooks, this photograph is designated as a photograph of a city prison with a church and chapel (the church is on the left, the chapel is on the right, the towering cathedral above the roof of the prison stands behind at a considerable distance from the entire complex of buildings). Obviously, this superstructure above the fire station that we described did not serve any function of a religious building.
At first glance, from a technical point of view, it is complete absurdity. None of the old-timers remember what this line of pillars was or what it was intended for. It is not possible to find any technical documentation for this line, even fragments, on the Internet. The respected Murom mayor A.V. Ermakov left behind a serious technical puzzle, because it was he who is credited with the construction of the city telegraph. Apparently what they mean by telegraph is this network of poles. Although, logically, what kind of telegraph or PBX network is this if it goes from the starting point to the final point, bypassing all the intermediate ones and without forming any branches to houses along the route. And between the starting and ending points of installation of these pillars, a horse could travel in five minutes.

The secret again turned out to be simple. In childhood, when the author of these lines lived in one of the houses of the old building, during the reign of Ilyich II, they demolished an old barn in one of the former merchant houses, geographically located within walking distance from the above-described equipment room. They took out all sorts of rubbish from it, and suddenly the children (the author of these lines was also among them) found metal balls in the pile of garbage, similar to poorly made replicas of chicken eggs, only made of metal and with a blind hole in the blunt part of the egg. The balls were bronze in color and very heavy, as it seemed then to the effort of a child’s hand. There were also ancient bottles with some unknown liquid and much more. It turned out that the balls and other things got into the barn thanks to one neighbor, technologically advanced and suffering from kleptomania. He worked at a construction site and often brought all sorts of things into the house, which he hid in different places. When they saw these balls, they were taken away from the children and hidden. Even then, one engineer from a radio measuring instrument factory explained to little-understanding children (there was such a flagship of the Soviet economy in the field of radio communications at that time, which was called mailbox No. 49) that this was a dangerous thing and could be punished for it, and then for the first time they explained what religion was, KGB and how sometimes it is difficult to have prohibited religious objects. Naturally, no one understood anything, but for some reason the memory of these objects settled in the child’s head... However, it would be better to continue this story after describing other equally strange structures.

To be continued.

Many scientists are interested in atmospheric electricity. Historians find in paintings, engravings, and architectural structures that have reached us traces of the fact that in the not so distant past people used it. Representatives of technical professions are trying to explain how and on what principle these installations operated to extract electricity from the atmosphere. But developments did not go beyond desktop installations with minimal power, and according to their convictions, this atmospheric electricity should be abundantly sufficient for all the needs of all mankind.

The answer to this problem lies precisely in the concentration of this electricity itself in the atmosphere. Atmospheric electricity of the past was different. Over the course of about 450 years, our Earth not only changed the tilt of its axis and acquired a huge volume of salt water, but also lost the concentration of atmospheric pressure. And since everything is interdependent, the concentration of atmospheric electricity directly depends on the concentration of the atmosphere, and today it is barely enough for periodic breakdowns.

Atmospheric electricity in the 18th century

The first scientist who decided to seriously study lightning, and at the same time protection against it, was the outstanding American scientist-diplomat Benjamin Franklin. In 1750, Franklin published a paper in which he proposed an experiment - flying a kite during a thunderstorm. Franklin had fairly simple means at his disposal:

  1. An ordinary kite with an iron wire attached to the crosspiece.
  2. A string with a silk ribbon and an iron key tied to it.

He ran it during a thunderstorm and got two surprising results:

  • He proved the electrical nature of lightning, because the silk edges of the tape began to bristle, sparks flew out of the key and the iron wire became electrified.
  • I opened a lightning rod for the first time.

In 1753, a similar experiment with lightning was carried out by Georg Richmann in St. Petersburg. He stood at a distance of only 30 cm from his device, which was called an electric pointer and was a prototype of an electroscope. During a thunderstorm, a pale blue ball appeared near the device and headed towards the scientist’s head. There was a loud bang and Richman fell dead. The scientist’s assistant that day was Sokolov, who subsequently drew the diagram presented below.

Since the times of Franklin and Richman, experimental instruments have become more serious, but lightning continues to raise many questions.

Free energy from atmospheric electricity

Now there are only two ways in which you can extract electricity from the air - with the help of wind generators and with the help of fields that permeate the atmosphere. And if many people have already seen windmills and have a rough idea of ​​how they work and where the energy comes from, then the second type of device raises many questions.

Interesting discoveries and machines belong to two inventors - John Searle and Sergei Godin. And most of the experiments that amateurs conduct at home are based on one of two schemes. How did these two people manage to get energy out of thin air?

John Searle claims that he managed to create a perpetual motion machine. He placed a powerful multi-pole magnet in the center of his design, and magnetized rollers around it. Under the influence of electromagnetic forces, the rollers roll, trying to find a stable position, but the central magnet is designed so that the rollers never reach this position. Of course, sooner or later such a design must still stop if you don’t come up with a way to feed it with energy from the outside. During one test, Searle's machine worked non-stop for two months. The scientist claimed that he had managed to patent a way to power his device directly from the energy of the universe, which he believed was contained in every cubic centimeter of space. It's hard to believe, but John Searle patented the first version of his engine back in 1946.

Once assembled, this device began to rotate itself and generate electrical power. Searle immediately received orders from those wishing to purchase such a machine, capable of drawing energy from the air, but the scientist did not manage to get rich from his invention. The equipment from the laboratory was taken to an unknown location, and he himself was sent to prison on charges of stealing electricity. An independent British court simply could not believe that John Searle produced all the electricity for lighting his house himself.

Another device, similar in appearance to a flying saucer, was discovered in a holiday village near Moscow, and this is the world's first electricity generator that does not require fuel. Its inventor, Sergei Godin, is confident that such a unit will be enough to provide electricity to all his neighbors in the country. Such a device, if installed in the basement of a house, would completely provide a large modern residential building with electricity. The physicist is confident that there is a substance on earth that is still unknown to modern scientists. Sergei Godin calls this phenomenon ether.

Do-it-yourself atmospheric electricity

Using the diagram below, you can conduct a more serious experiment and repeat Tesla’s own experiment by assembling a miniature coil.

The coil itself can be wound around the body from a marker (marker diameter is about 25 mm), the number of turns should be in the range from 700 to 1000, wire with a cross-section of 0.14 mm. The secondary winding should consist of 5 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The primary winding will require about 50 m of wire. The active component in this device is a 2n2222 transistor, there is also a resistor and, in general, these are all the components that go into this coil.

Even though the coil will be small, it will still produce a small spark if you touch it with your finger, light a match, or make a light bulb burn. You can wind the wire on any body, the main thing is that there are no metal parts in it. Don't repeat the mistake that many people make. If you want to make it autonomous, do not put the battery inside the case, if there is a transistor inside, the coil works fine and hardly heats up, but if there was a battery there, then the magnetic field that the Tesla transformer itself creates will affect the battery, and you will lose power. building a transistor. The more carefully you wind the coils, the better the result will be, and in order to keep the coil longer, you can cover it with colorless nail polish.

More serious experiments require more money, time and effort, but even on the diagram they look impressive.

Surely you have a ventilation duct in your kitchen, which sometimes works even when turned off, preventing a draft. It can be used to light up a room for free. This can be done from scrap materials; everything is described in detail in the video:

Scheme of a simple power plant:

I haven’t believed in Ilyich’s Light Bulb for a long time, or in the new energy-saving light bulbs from Skolkovo nanotechnologists, but I believe that our ancestors used to have wireless electricity. How long ago I created a thread and wanted to add masterpieces to it, but I still couldn’t get down to it, but then I came across THE USE OF ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY IN THE PAST.,
Thank you very much for the article - it’s nice that I wasn’t the only one who dug up wireless electricity before the Revolution. After all, no one will believe me alone, without support. Yes, after the Revolution, Electricity was taken away from us and not given to us. They decided to plunge us into darkness, destroying temples that initially did not have crosses but had antennas and balls for storing electricity. They put on the crosses later and immediately took them off and stole the gold by removing and destroying the crosses, at the same time removing the wireless lighting system - in order to charge us taxes for selling light, although before that we received it for free.
How we survived after all the destruction, wars and revolutions, I can’t imagine!

St. Petersburg "Illumination on the Moika embankment." Watercolor V.S. Sadovnikova. 1856 The magnificent electric illumination of the Yusupov Palace is absolutely amazing.

When I was on a tour of the Yusupov Palace, I clearly remembered that the existing wiring there has remained since time immemorial and is two centuries old. Well done for not changing the wires and maintaining priority. After all, it was we who had the first illumination of the Mariinsky Theater, the seat numbers, which were first invented by our Prince Yusupov for ticket sales.
His light bulbs at the beginning of the century before last created a very beautiful effect and festive mood. And the effect of LED lighting amazes the Chinese.
In the same way, the Peter and Paul Fortress, Moscow, was illuminated on the day of the coronation of Alexander II

I saw exactly the same Illuminations on old engravings in Peterhoff and Venice. If I come across illustrations, I’ll show you or give you a link - I’ve already posted them, but they banned me then and now they won’t let me write. So we got to the bottom of the Truth.

In front of the temples there were tall stellas that distributed and accumulated current

I have already shown wireless lights on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island and all over St. Petersburg there were churches without Crosses but with balls.
All around Russia.

In Venice, exactly these balls still remain and even more powerful antennas - with clusters of balls - The Venetians were great, they did not remove this system.

The pyramids in Egypt made it possible to accumulate and accumulate a sufficient amount of Solar Electricity and transmit it to rainy St. Petersburg
But Numerous churches in St. Petersburg themselves attract rain, which intensifies
and the columns, monolithic columns with cores, made it possible to hold electricity to illuminate the Winter Palace - there are no Candles there and there was electricity immediately after the fire. That’s why the ceilings remained snow-white and not smoky.

The tallest Monolithic Column in the World - Alexandria Pillar - Alexandria Lighthouse;-) it is now an Angel there, but it is not a fact that he was there from the very beginning. All these columns, including the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral - the main Temple of the Empire, which fed the entire central part of the city

Alexander Column - Rostov-on-Don

Definitely, in the Rostral columns, cores and Beacons shone for ships from batteries, as well as for the Trinity Bridge,

in Columns around the world and in Venice on San Marco Square there are also cores and served as Lighthouses until the construction of the San Marco Tower - the tallest Lighthouse.

Venice also has lighting due to the Tower and Column.

It’s not for nothing that there were so many spiers and temples throughout St. Petersburg, but the tallest building was dismantled - the Bell Tower of the Smolny Cathedral. Because nothing should have been higher than the royal palace, so that no one could take more electricity than the king.
there was a law that it was impossible to build higher than the royal palace.

In Petropavlovka there are balls on the turrets and on the spire, and the lighting there was also electric for a very long time.

A device for obtaining Atmospheric Electricity, including a receiving unit with an antenna element connected by a current conductor to a discharge element, characterized in that the receiving unit contains, below the antenna element, a system of conductive dome-shaped triboelements oriented vertically and communicating with each other, to the edge of the lower of which a needle electrode is attached discharge element, and its other electrode is made in the form of a grounded metal disk.

The capacitor chamber 1 is limited by a housing 2, configured in the form of a body of revolution with a conical upper part. The body is made of dielectric (concrete, limestone). At the top of the body 2 there is a lower metal dome-shaped tribological element 3, which has a long metal “nose” 4, on which dome-shaped tribological elements are rigidly fixed in series (by means of the metal “nose”), the cavities of which and the chambers are connected. A cross-shaped antenna 6 is fixed to the upper dome-shaped triboelement; a needle 10 is lowered vertically from the edge of the lower dome-shaped triboelement. On the base of the chamber 7 there is a lower disk-shaped metal electrode 8, which has a ground connection 9.

The device works as follows.
Dome-shaped triboelements, located vertically and connected to a cross-shaped antenna, make it possible, with a minimum volume, to create a maximum surface for triboelectrification by various atmospheric factors, similar to the electrification of aircraft bodies. The result is a potential difference between the upper electrically charged needle electrode and the lower electrode.
During periods of snowstorms, rain, and thunderstorms, this process (accumulation of electrical charges) is significantly enhanced due to the use of the developed surface of the domes.
The increase in voltage between the electrodes also depends on the height of the upper electrode (with the antenna and dome-shaped triboelements), since Ez the vertical component of the Earth’s electric field is up to 200 V/m from the Earth’s surface, increasing during periods of disturbances (rain, blizzard, thunderstorm). The needle allows the field strength to be concentrated as much as possible to break down the discharge gap."

the main thing is how harmoniously all these functional Columns fit into the city and how they fed the lighting throughout the Palace Square

But the most gigantic thing in St. Petersburg is St. Isaac's Cathedral - this masterpiece was clearly created much earlier

Colonnade and Pyramid for energy generation

Remains of the Great Empire. Even now we are not able to make these columns.

Now they put a column in front of the Station, but they couldn’t move it and raise it - they had to saw it and now in place of the cut there is a crown in the form of a laurel wreath - it covers the cut

The tallest building at that time was in St. Petersburg - the Peter and Paul Cathedral and, of course, there was the most powerful antenna in St. Petersburg, in Russia and Europe.
I am beginning to respect our great ancestors more and more.
A feeling of pride for the Country. Overwhelms.

Venice, Northern Venice One Country.
Exactly the same Double-Headed Eagles in the Coat of Arms and in exactly the same way they were deprived of History and exactly the same freedom-loving people - now they will definitely achieve separation from Italy and make their own republic again.

I discovered rather strange images of St. Petersburg dating back to the beginning of the 18th century, i.e. by the time of the reign of Peter I. (taken here: assucareira - Rays from the portholes of ancient buildings)

They clearly depict rays of light emanating from windows on the roofs of houses.
When viewing the pictures, no esoteric or magical connotations were discovered, because these are ordinary buildings, not temples and places of worship. The reason for the rays is more than pragmatic, but it could become a real historical sensation if we manage to dig up something else on this topic.

Namely, at the beginning of the 18th century there was electricity in St. Petersburg, including electric lighting. All the technology was developed by a group of scientists from Holland, and all developments belonged to Peter personally, and in his absence, Western scientists could not even come close to repeating what he invented. The miracles of electrical engineering in St. Petersburg began already in 1706, but in Holland it was only in 1745 that they figured out how to make a Leyden jar, i.e. ordinary capacitor. By the way, the lamps in the dormers worked on approximately the same “Leyden jars”, but the charge in Peter’s batteries lasted for several months, and they could be recharged at special stations. In theory, it was even more practical to string wires throughout the city and constantly maintain the electrical wiring.

There were also hydroelectric power stations in St. Petersburg - both on the Neva itself and at each fountain, and they powered city lighting and other equipment. And besides what was illuminated, there were a lot of interesting things - industrial equipment and even robotics, which was used in the war with the Swedes: robots brought artillery pieces closer to the enemy and fired - it seems that there was even automatic aiming at the target.

That is, St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 18th century was several centuries ahead of the whole world in terms of technical development. But after the death of Peter I, all technology, except primitive ones, was completely destroyed. The demon Peter II, the gray Menshikov, Dolgorukov, Ostreman and the other company that seized power did not leave a trace of the technologies of the future. During palace coups, hundreds of scientists were killed and books were burned. There was another re-recording of time branches - at this time, cardinal changes in history may occur, which, however, the entire population will take for granted or will not notice at all, since the re-recording occurs primarily in people's consciousness- one information is taken out, the other is inserted. There are very few who can resist such zombification or convey to society that “something is going wrong.” Especially in the 18th century, when it was very difficult to communicate, and only the “chosen ones” knew about the spiritual meaning of the historical process.

As for Peter I himself, he was the embodiment of a high level and supervised the technogenic civilizations of Orion as part of the experiment, spreading their influence in Russia. The Matrix used Peter to destroy the existing social structure in the country and mass introduction of “European values”. Peter wanted to help the country in his own way, expanded its influence, and conducted successful military activities. But the presence of future technologies has already become a serious threat to all Western civilizations, so Peter was simply removed at the right moment, and everything that remained after him was destroyed. As a result, after Peter there remained only a corrupted Europeanized nobility, worship of the West, Masonic lodges within the country, and other exclusively negative phenomena.

In general, this is exactly how the matrix uses the rulers - actively uses and develops everything negative that they did during their lifetime, while eliminating everything positive or that could be positive.

As for electrical engineering, its development, interestingly, was set back exactly to 1878. It was then that the first hydroelectric power station was created, electric lighting appeared in St. Petersburg and the active development of electric lamps began in the direction of mass use.