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The best tanning creams in the solarium, the rules for choosing and using. The main purpose, characteristics and functions of tanning creams Which cream is better to use in a tanning bed

Modern ultraviolet cabins allow you to quickly and effortlessly achieve a deep chocolate tan, even in cases where idle lying on the beach or a trip to the sea is impossible. However, despite the high quality of the lamps and the relatively short duration of insolation, visiting a solarium without professional cosmetics is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. Why is it so important to acquire at least several types of tanning products?

  1. Burning speed. Of course, each specialized cosmetic product for a solarium allows you to significantly accelerate the receipt of a deep and pronounced shade of tan, give it richness and durability. Modern formulas guarantee the appearance of a pleasant gilding after 2-3 sessions, which means that the time spent in the solarium will be reduced several times. In addition to speeding up the process of forming the shade itself, tanning creams save you the first 4 minutes of each tanning session in the tanning bed. Without the use of sunscreen, these minutes are spent on starting all the necessary processes in the skin.
  1. Hydration and nutrition. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the epidermis gradually dries out, begins to peel off, looks dull and untidy, and the reason for this is insufficient hydration and nutrition during and after tanning sessions. High-quality creams, lotions and oils for a solarium will help preserve and replenish the loss of moisture in dermal cells, saturate the skin with nutrients and vitality.
  2. Prevention of photoaging.- another "pitfall", which allows you to successfully cope with specialized cosmetics for a solarium. Tanning formulas are thought out in such a way as to "block" the damaging ultraviolet, while not affecting the quality and depth of the resulting tan. And an additional bonus will be anti-aging components that will not only prevent early age-related changes, but also help to cope with mimic wrinkles that have already appeared, restore the tone and elasticity of sunbathing skin.

A range of professional tanning products

The palette of proposals of the modern beauty industry of tanning can satisfy even the most fastidious lover of ultraviolet booths. What to opt for in order to achieve the most pronounced effect and give the skin not only an attractive bronze tint, but also a healthy glow?

2. . Special complexes with an instant effect will give the skin a pleasant golden glow within a couple of hours. And they will allow you to achieve a richer chocolate shade in just a couple of sessions in the solarium. Cosmetics with bronzers can be applied to any skin, the main thing is to choose the right concentration of active ingredients. A small content of bronzing substances will allow owners of - phototype to quickly get a basic shade of tan, and a high percentage of active ingredients will achieve a pronounced swarthy skin tone.
3. . Creams marked "Tingle" significantly accelerate blood flow in dermal cells, supplying them with oxygen and accelerating melanin synthesis. Slight reddening of the skin and a noticeable burning sensation inherent in cosmetics with an "ant" effect will create the illusion of a natural tan, and notes of copper in the resulting shade will add an attractive naturalness to the skin. Tingle is suitable for owners of a phototype of appearance, however, lovers of tanning can also use such cosmetics, having previously received a pronounced base shade.

4. . Modern Body Blash technology is suitable for those who are afraid of the tangible tingle components. With these products, neither redness nor burning will appear on the skin, only a slight pleasant blush. Active substances significantly accelerate the natural synthesis of tan pigment, thereby guaranteeing extra-dark shades in just a few UV sessions. Such cosmetics, like tingle, are recommended for naturally swarthy owners - phototypes.
5. . The legs usually tan much more slowly than the rest of the body, so they need enhanced complexes to give a uniform bronze tone. Choose the right product, guided by your own - and your legs will be perfectly swarthy and well-groomed.

6. . Delicate facial skin needs maximum protection during tanning in a solarium, which means that such sensitive areas require special cosmetics with a high content of moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating complexes. In the line of leading manufacturers, there is sure to be a suitable product for any skin, the main thing is to choose the right product based on the features of the phototype.
7. . The representatives of the stronger sex are endowed with naturally rougher skin, so the usual formulas for tanning in a solarium are not so ideal for them. Specialized cosmetics, designed with all the features in mind, will allow men to look attractively tanned and well-groomed after UV sessions!

How to choose and buy a solarium cream according to your skin type

The ideal result from visiting ultraviolet cabins is possible only if you choose the right cosmetic product based on the characteristics of your own appearance. The key criterion for choosing a particular cream is the phototype - the natural ability of the skin to perceive the ultraviolet spectrum and respond to it with a deep, persistent bronze tint.



What cosmetics are suitable

Pale, hypersensitive skin tans very slowly, and if you overdo it, you can burn rather than become covered with at least a little noticeable gilding. Owners of such an appearance should be extremely careful when visiting a solarium, and choose the most nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics.

What cosmetics will help overcome the tanning plateau?

A natural plateau is the deepest and richest shade of tan, which is quite difficult to “break through” without specialized cosmetics. As a rule, a high content, intended for well-prepared dark skin, allows you to overcome this line, getting an ultra-dark tone up to extreme black. However, this method is not optimal, and it is not suitable for every connoisseur of an extra-saturated tan, because a slight tingling when using cosmetics with an "ant" effect in this case turns into a rather noticeable burning sensation.

It is much easier and more effective to regularly rotate tanning products in the solarium - a combination of boosters, bronzers and tanning accelerators will allow you to overcome the plateau much faster. Change the type of cosmetics at least once a month (for example, alternating creams with s, and with DHA), and the appearance of coal-dark shades will not take long.

Today, there are many ways to give your skin a golden summer tan at any time of the year, without leaving your hometown. One of the most sought after activities to create a tan is a visit to the solarium. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to follow the basic rules to make the process of creating a tan the safest and highest quality. An important condition for visiting the solarium is the use of a special cosmetic tanning cream, which can be both female and male.

Do you need sunblock in a tanning bed?

Unfortunately, most visitors to the solarium refuse to use special tanning creams, but this is completely the wrong choice. The main function of this kind of products is not to accelerate the tanning process, but to prepare the skin for exposure to lamps that negatively affect the dermis, drying it out and damaging it. Sun cream is necessary to moisturize and saturate the skin before the event itself. By applying a special composition, the skin becomes more susceptible to tanning, that is, the effect is achieved faster and better. In addition, the preparations have protective properties aimed at preventing the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation from a solarium.

Some try to replace specialized cosmetic products with ordinary moisturizing creams for the legs, face, etc., but this does not bring the desired result. A regular cream can really moisturize the covers, but most of them have a whitening effect, which is unacceptable when going to a solarium.
It is undesirable to use tanning creams only in cases where the client has problematic oily skin or an allergic reaction to the components of the preparation. In all other situations, the described tool is simply necessary for effective correction of skin tone.

There are several basic types of tanning cream in the solarium, the use of which will affect different skin types in different ways. Some products are better suited for application to the face, and some should be used only for the integument of the body. The right choice can be made by getting advice from a specialist who will help you choose the right product for your particular skin type and the most suitable tanning method.

With bronzer

Bronzer as a component of tanning cream in a tanning bed is an additional tool to increase the level of dark skin. Also, the element is included in the structure of the protective system of the product, preventing ultraviolet radiation from negatively affecting the covers. With the help of a bronzer, you can independently choose the degree of tanning intensity, choosing the most suitable tone for the dermis in each individual case.

With tan booster

Tan enhancers are all components included in the cream, which activate the level of melanin production, which allows you to achieve the desired effect in a small number of sessions held in the solarium. These products are suitable for those who want to achieve the darkest skin tone after sunburn.

With tingle effect

The tingle effect is achieved with the help of a special acid, which activates the intercellular circulation of oxygen in the layers of the skin. Thanks to this, the covers acquire the most natural, natural shade. It is important to understand that such creams cannot be used for pale and sensitive dermis, as this is fraught with severe damage to the integument in the form of burns.

Rating of the best manufacturers of sunscreen

Today, there is a huge variety of creams and lotions on the market for solarium cosmetics that accelerate the tanning process and protect the skin from burns and damage due to the procedure. Each of the products has its own characteristics, allowing the use of one or another composition to give the dermis a different degree of tan and its tone. Below are the most popular remedies, the quality and effectiveness of which have been tested by the experience of millions of women.

Soleo Lollipop (Soleo)

Soleo bronzer cream is a real find for anyone who wants to get a quality tan by reducing the number of trips to the solarium. This product is easily absorbed into the skin, after which the tan lies in an even layer. It is important to note that the drug corrects the color of the tan, which greatly facilitates the process in which the risks of getting a rich orange skin color are simply impossible. The cream contains a large number of various nourishing and moisturizing ingredients for the skin, thereby reducing the risk of irritation, redness and burns.

Caribbean Gold

The popular brand of tanning products in the Caribbean Gold, is a leading brand in the market for a specific category of products. The American manufacturer has won the love of millions of women thanks to a wide range of shades. The tool provides an even and rich tan, regardless of the chosen color, whether it is a bronzer or a tan enhancer. The composition of the product includes a huge amount of various nutrients, which not only provide a safe and high-quality effect of visiting a solarium, but also saturate the skin with essential vitamins and components that provide covers with a healthy and natural shade.

emerald bay

Emerald Bay products provide professional skin care for tanning in a solarium. The composition of the products of a particular brand includes a large number of natural ingredients aimed at protecting and healing the skin, as well as accelerating the process of giving the dermis an even and high-quality tan. The manufacturer provides a wide selection of various natural-based balms and tanning creams. Thanks to the unique formula, the cream, after absorption, creates a protective film on the surface of the skin, which contributes to a better tan with a predetermined tone.

Chocolate Kiss

This tanning cream in the solarium is a quality product that allows you to give the skin a persistent and rich dark shade. Thanks to the inclusion of shea butter and cocoa butter, the tan looks the most natural. It should be noted that a particular product has a lifting effect that allows you to increase the elasticity of the integument and prevent stretch marks. The natural base of the cream helps to effectively protect the dermis from the aggressive effects of solarium lamps. After applying the tanning cream, the skin becomes smoother, which determines the degree of saturation of the skin with useful microelements and vitamins, which this remedy is rich in.

Video tips on choosing cosmetics for getting a tan in a solarium

Dark skin, even in the cold season, has become a reality after the advent of solariums. However, with such a procedure, the skin receives significant radiation, from which special means are able to protect. How to choose a cream for a solarium, what should be its composition, is it necessary to have bronzers? A professional look will help to deal with these issues, as well as reviews from the regulars of artificial tanning parlors.

What are the benefits of creams and are they necessary?

Special means primarily perform a protective function. In addition, the following tasks can be distinguished:

  • hydration is a very useful property, given how quickly the skin loses moisture when exposed to radiation;
  • intensive nutrition - necessary for rapid regeneration and maintenance of metabolic processes;
  • burn prevention;
  • for uniformity and the required intensity of tanning;
  • to eliminate the special smell that occurs after such procedures.

The impact of these funds is somewhat different from those intended for solar. They do not have light filters, due to the fact that the dose of ultraviolet radiation in the solarium is regulated by the device. This category of creams allows you to prepare the skin in a uniform, fairly rapid tan.

Bronzers help create an attractive tan

The composition of any cream includes vitamins and active substances, the ratio of which is ideal for skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Also, there are components that improve blood circulation and contribute to the rapid renewal of melanin. Often the ingredients include:

  • oils (, shea, sandalwood, grape seeds, aloe);
  • agave nectar;
  • vitamin D;
  • watermelon extract.

Attention! Without the use of tanning lotion, the skin loses moisture and elasticity, resulting in wrinkling and premature aging.

Cream classification

Depending on the impact, existing funds can be divided into the following types:

  • developers;
  • activators;
  • bronzers;
  • fixatives.

Creams from the first category are used by beginners in the solarium, or owners of fair skin. For greater saturation of the skin with pigment, activating agents should be used. They contain components that enhance blood circulation and, as a result, increased production of melanin. After applying the cream, a slight burning sensation may be felt, as after prolonged exposure to the sun. However, sensations should not cause discomfort.

To create a dark, chocolate shade, bronzers should be used. In their composition, as a rule, there are henna, carotene, walnut extract. They enhance the effect of radiation and stimulate the formation of a golden chocolate hue.

Funds from the last category allow you to consolidate and extend the existence of the result. They moisturize and soften the skin, even out the shade and make it more natural. Great for dealing with dry skin.

How to choose according to skin type

Like any skin care product, it is important to choose a tanning cream, taking into account the type of skin. So, owners of a light type, with increased sensitivity, should give preference to products with high protective properties. The composition should not contain components that cause irritation, as well as bronzers. It is better to choose a cream with antioxidants that stimulate increased production of melanin.

For those who have dark skin by nature, as well as frequent visitors to the solarium, who have already received the result, you can resort to creams with a bronzing effect. They are usually hypoallergenic and darken the skin significantly after the first application.

As with natural tanning, it is important to use a cream that is specific to the areas of the body. For the delicate skin of the face and décolleté, there are products with an increased level of protection. But for the legs, you can use a cream with an activator, for a quick and beautiful tan.

Advice. When choosing several types of cream for different skin areas, it is better to give preference to one brand. In this way, an even tan can be ensured.

What else to consider

In addition to the main criterion - compliance with the type of skin, it is important to pay attention to other aspects and rules:

  • study the composition, for the absence of intolerable components and the presence of vitamins, minerals and other useful components;
  • it is better to choose a cream in a large package, with the exception of face products;
  • give preference to the middle and high price category, avoiding low-quality products of unknown origin;
  • it is better to make a purchase in specialized stores, choosing products from trusted brands that have good consumer reviews.

How to use

To get a beautiful tan, provide care and not harm the skin, compliance with the rules for using creams in this category will help. You should not take a shower with soap immediately before the procedure, and also apply a cream without removing makeup. It is better to cleanse the skin with gentle, non-violating lipid layer products. Do not stop using the cream even after achieving the desired effect. Tanned skin needs regular care no less than fair skin.

Many people know about the need to use sunscreen, but not everyone uses special products when visiting a solarium. Meanwhile, during artificial tanning, the skin receives a significant dose of ultraviolet radiation and needs nutrition, hydration and protection. When choosing a cream, you should take into account the type of skin, the degree of sensitivity, as well as individual characteristics. Creams that contain bronzers and activators are not suitable for everyone. Do not abuse such funds to owners of light and pale skin.

How to tan in a solarium: video

An even tan on the skin always looks attractive. But what if the summer season is still far away, and you want to have radiant skin today? The solarium comes to the rescue. It is able to give the skin of the whole body an even tan, as if you had spent several days on a sunny beach. But it should be remembered that artificial tanning is a certain stress for the skin. To reduce its influence, as well as to more evenly cover the skin with a beautiful shade, to protect it from burns, special cosmetics are used - creams. The variety of care products is amazing. It is important not to get confused and, relying on certain criteria, make the right choice of tanning cream. To do this, you need to know how one type differs from another, which one suits your skin type.

Is it necessary to use sunscreen?

Many clients of a solarium consider that the sun cream offered by it is an extra money spent. Refusal to use a protective agent for artificial tanning is a big mistake.

The main task of the solarium cream - Hydration, hydration and more hydration! Tanning products in a tanning bed prepare the skin for the aggressive effects of UV lamps, which dry it out and sometimes even cause damage in the form of burns and early wrinkles.

A body and face skin care product allows you to saturate the epidermis with moisture as much as possible immediately before tanning, to protect it from the harm that ultraviolet radiation can cause. In addition, tanning cream allows you to make the skin more susceptible to UV radiation, which makes it possible to get an even tan in a short period of time.

Due to their properties, daily face and body care products will never replace a specialized solarium cream. All of them have a light or more pronounced whitening effect, which is absolutely unacceptable in a solarium.

There are certain contraindications to the use of sunscreen, but all of them are extremely rare. These include allergic reactions to individual components of the cosmetic product, as well as oily skin with problematic inflamed rashes on it.

Doctors' opinion

When visiting a solarium, in order not to harm yourself and your skin, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • observance of hygiene procedures before visiting: clean skin of the face and body, without cosmetics and perfume;
  • a moderate amount of time spent in the solarium, despite the presence of the cream;
  • be sure to use a moisturizer with a cooling effect;
  • a selection of hypoallergenic tanning products;
  • applying a moisturizing balm with SPF protection to the lips, this will prevent premature appearance and protect against peeling and sagging. If you don't use a balm, your lips will lose volume.

Functions of sunscreen

The process of obtaining an artificial tan is accompanied by a certain risk. Exposure to a large single dose of ultraviolet radiation on the skin draws moisture from it, so necessary for elasticity and beauty. If the water balance is disturbed, the skin begins to age faster, wrinkles appear, and it can be quite difficult to restore its natural water balance to its original level. The best tanning bed skin care products are designed to perform several basic functions.

  1. Protective function- allows you not to worry about the safety of the skin while in the solarium. The cream neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, saturates the skin with moisture, helps it to stay in the cells.
  2. Tan boost function achieved through the addition of various components to the cosmetic product. They increase the durability of the resulting tan even with daily hygiene procedures.
  3. The function of obtaining the desired skin tone in a minimum number of procedures- achieved through the use of cream as an additive bronzer. Such a component is part of a cosmetic product in order to give the skin a radiant shade, as if the owner of a tan spent several days on the seashore under the hot sun. This effect wears off fairly quickly.
  4. The function of achieving a tingle effect or the acquisition of the most natural tan, which is difficult to distinguish from those obtained naturally. Such a tan will emphasize the natural beauty of the skin.

Sun cream for face and body: is there a difference?

The skin of the face and body has a different structure, thickness and structure, so different parts of the body require an individual approach. In horizontal solariums, various llamas are provided for the facial part and for the whole body. The same goes for cream!

The skin of the face is more delicate than the rest of the body. To protect and moisturize it, you need a tanning cream with one composition, and for the body with another. Many of the fair sex are owners of delicate and sensitive skin of the neck and décolleté, so they need to use a separate cosmetic product in the solarium. Don't forget to moisturize and protect your lips. You can use special balms containing UV filters that reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet lamps.

How to choose the right cosmetics for tanning in a solarium

So here are the basic rules:

  • Separately use cosmetics for face and body;
  • Give preference to one brand when using face and body cream, otherwise there is a high probability of tanning unevenly due to different compositions of creams;
  • Don't forget to moisturize your lips;
  • Choose cosmetics according to your skin type;
  • Choose care appropriate for your age;
  • Look for natural ingredients;
  • Consider your current tan shade. When the skin starts to show a darker tone, choose products with bronzers to enhance the effect. If you use soft products, with an already swarthy look, then you will “darken” more slowly;
  • For a more lasting tan, choose creams with vitamin D and watermelon extract.

And now in more detail.

Each cosmetic product will find its admirer, so it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question “Which one is the best”. Each girl has her own skin type, its level of moisture, allergic reactions, age and other parameters. Solarium cream is selected strictly individually. You need to proceed from the characteristics of your own body, ideally - visit a dermatologist for a consultation who will help you decide on the product that is right for you and choose a really good tanning cream in the solarium. With this, of course, experienced solarium managers will help.

  • Many cosmetics contain natural caring ingredients, such as olive, sandalwood, grape oil, aloe vera. Additives help saturate the skin with nutrients and moisture, keep it in the cells of the epidermis, give softness, smoothness, and reduce redness.
  • If, after visiting a solarium, a girl strives to prolong her tan as long as possible, then you should choose products with extracts. watermelon, agave, vitamin D. These components allow you to fix the resulting skin color for a long time.
  • There is a tanning cream for every age. So young skin needs to be moisturized and protected, while the skin of older women requires comprehensive care: wrinkle smoothing, tightening, and prevention of free radicals.

Choosing a cream according to skin type

Dermatologists in this case distinguish two types of skin:

  • light - most prone to burns, does not take a tan well;
  • swarthy - the tan lies evenly, there is a high resistance to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

For those with fair skin suitable tanning cream with the following properties:

  1. It has a soft delicate effect.
  2. It has increased protective performance.
  3. Hypoallergenic.
  4. Contains antioxidants for enhanced protective function.

Owners of dark skin by nature, a visit to the solarium will only emphasize its beauty, give it radiance. To do this, it is better for them to use a cream with a bronzer. The components in its composition give a slight shimmer to the skin, it seems that it shines from the inside. Usually, two visits to the solarium are enough for dark-skinned women to make their skin noticeably brighter.

Varieties of sunscreen

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of tanning cream, it is important to know that some products use only for face , other - for body , in some of them there are certain additives that allow you to achieve this or that effect.

There are the following types of solarium cream.

  1. With a bronzer. Bronzer is a special component that allows you to give maximum tan, make the shade saturated with a shimmer effect. Cream with a bronzer, in turn, is also divided into several types, depending on the degree of saturation of the resulting tan.
  2. With tan booster- as part of these products, components that contribute to the maximum production of melanin in the skin. The use of cosmetic products with enhancers allows you to achieve the desired degree of tanning in a minimum number of visits to the solarium. Not suitable for people with thin and sensitive skin.
  3. With tingle effect. The composition of these funds contains an acid that activates the circulation of oxygen in the skin. This allows you to give the most natural tanning effect, which will not be very striking. Tingle products are not suitable for sensitive skin, as their use can lead to skin burns.
  4. With moisturizing effect- are optimal and universal cosmetic products that in a short period of time maximally saturate the skin with moisture, prevent it from drying out under the influence of harmful ultraviolet rays and losing its youth and elasticity.

The composition of the solarium cream

The solarium cream is made from 80% of the ingredients found in regular daily face and body creams. They are safe for health (with the exception of cases of individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to individual components). Almost all sun protection products contain:

  1. Bronzers in various quantities that trigger the production of melanin in the body.
  2. Special bleaching agents that allow the tan to be evenly distributed throughout the body.
  3. Formic acid.
  4. Seaweed extract for firming skin.
  5. Coenzyme Q10 anti-aging.
  6. Menthol or mint for cooling.
  7. Tea tree oil or aloe extract, which have a calming effect.
  8. A complex of vitamins of various groups.
  9. Panthenol, which has a protective, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  10. Special additives that prolong the tan and give it a different degree of saturation and shades.

How to use sunscreen correctly

  1. Before visiting the solarium do not shower with soap, which breaks the lipid layer naturally created by the skin.
  2. Remove all clothing so as not to stain it.
  3. Cleanse the skin of makeup and any cosmetic products.
  4. Solarium cream is applied exclusively before the procedure, but not in advance.
  5. The cosmetic product is applied in a thin layer on the entire surface of the body without missing areas.
  6. If the skin is sensitive and problematic, then the cream is applied in a rather thick layer.
  7. Before using the product, read the instructions for use, as different products may differ in terms of use.
  8. Do not forget about the cream after the solarium, which will prolong the protective and caring properties.

Solarium cream replacement options

  1. Sun tanning products with a minimum level of protection from ultraviolet rays (usually it is equal to three SPF 3-5). The instructions for use of such a cream should indicate that it is not prohibited to use it in a solarium.
  2. Universal face and body care products with maximum moisturizing properties.
  3. Oils for tanning in the solarium.

Remember that the use of any cosmetic product that is not intended to protect the skin in a solarium can lead to an unforeseen effect and not have the best effect on the health of the skin. Today, a good selection of creams is presented directly in the solarium, and a competent consultation of a specialist on the spot will allow you to buy the product that suits your skin type.

Where to buy sunscreen in the solarium

Especially for the readers of our site, we have selected tanning products, as well as after-sun creams of various brands and brands. Choose the one that best suits your skin.

Professional cosmetics:

  1. Australian Gold INTENSIFIER Unique Tanning Accelerator 237 ml (Sun & Solarium) is a natural tanning enhancer to quickly achieve a beautiful bronzed tan without irritation or harm to the skin. A large bottle will last you the whole summer season.
  2. EMERALD BAY Deep very dark tan DARK ESCAPE 250 ml.
  3. EMERALD BAY Deep dark tan with BLACK EMERALD bronzer 250 ml.
  4. Sol Bianca Coffee Dream Sun cream with coffee and shea butter (6*Bronzer) 125 ml
  5. EMERALD BAY Deep very dark tan MOJO DARK BRONZING Sauce 250 ml.
  6. Australian Gold INTENSIFIER Bronzing Dry Oil Spray 237ml
  7. Cream tanning leg Oooh La Bronzing Brilliant with Tannymaxx Bronzer 200 ml - The best way to tan your legs!
  8. Cream for tanning legs Sol Bianca Sweet Legs 125 ml is another leg tan that is very popular among tan lovers!
  9. Australian Gold FORCE OF NATURE NEW Tanning Lotion 250 ml
  10. Australian Gold Sun lotion SOL STRUCK NEW 250 ml
  11. Coconut Tropic Ultra bronzing lotion + Bronzer 40ml Mega Tan
  12. EMERALD BAY Dark Tan + Triple Action Bronzer SUN LUVIN 250 ml.
  13. Australian Gold Tanning Lotion HOT 250 ml
  14. EMERALD BAY Chocolate suntan cream with bronzer CHOCO-LATTA-LOVE 250 ml.
  15. Australian Gold JWOWW One and Done Intensifer Professional Tanning 400 ml!

Other cosmetics for tanning in a solarium for face and body:

  • Cream "Sun Face" for the face with extracts of black and green tea for tanning in the solarium
  • Spray protective "Open Air" SPF-15
  • Natural Sunscreen SPF-15 Lip Balm
  • "Black Emerald body cream for tanning in the solarium"
  • "Choco-Latta-Love Tanning Cream" by Emerald Bay
  • "Dark'n'Dazed Tanning Cream" by Emerald Bay
  • "Shore Thing Natural Bronzer" by Emerald Bay
  • Body Sun Cream SPF-30 by Annemarie Borlind

Buy after-sun products in the solarium

  1. Sea Salt and Sandalwood 535 ml
  2. Australian Gold After Sun Lotion HEMP NATION Tropical Colada 535ml

Rules for tanning in a solarium

05 December 2016

Stepanova Elena, SweetZagar website expert

If you are going to give your skin a golden hue in a solarium, each person must familiarize himself with the rules of behavior in the booth and the number of minutes allotted for the session. And also, it is necessary to choose tanning products designed for your skin type. They must solve the problems that you put before them.

Phototypes and features of the skin (features of ultraviolet perception)

When choosing a cream or lotion for sunburn, you should consider your photo-type of skin. Depends on this: the duration of the session in the solarium, the choice of lamp power, as well as the selection of creams based on the components included in it.

1 type - Scandinavian. Light and sensitive skin, with a soft pink tint. Prone to burning and redness under the influence of ultraviolet ().
Type 2 - Nordic. Light and pale skin. Able to tan, prone to redness and burns ().
3 type - Central European. Light brown skin. It tans well, but with an excess of sunlight, inflammation and light burns appear ().
4 type - mediterranean. Dark skin. The tan lies evenly, the skin does not tend to redden and burn ().

For better efficiency, complexes are introduced into tanning products that affect the depth and shade of tan. These substances can be used for a particular type of skin:

Type of additional components

Without bronzers

With bronzers

Tingle effect

Body Blush effect

How to choose sunscreen by skin type

Solarium cosmetics from leading manufacturers effectively moisturize and nourish the skin, protect it from overdrying and accelerate the acquisition of an even tan. Creams differ in components that affect the shade and depth of tan, so they are selected depending on skin type:

Creams without bronzers are used for all skin types, they are most often used for a base, natural tan, as well as to maintain a marine-derived skin tone.

Such products differ in the quantitative content of bronzers and in the intensity of their effect on the skin.

For light skin types 1 and 2 are used creams with a small amount of bronzing agents, they help to quickly get a shade and hide the unwanted redness that inevitably appears when tanning in people with 1st and 2nd skin type.

When you have achieved a base tan (either you are phototype 3 or 4) and you intend to make it more intense, then you can switch to products with a higher content of bronzers.

Manufacturers offer bronzing cocktails with a variety of compositions, which allows you to adjust not only the depth of the tan, but also its shade: chocolate, golden, bronze, etc.

They include an active complex of substances that promote the activation of blood circulation, the production of melanin and the saturation of skin cells with oxygen. Designed for dark skin types 3 and 4. The product enhances the effectiveness of the "artificial" tanning procedure and guarantees an intense, ultra-dark skin tone. When the cream is slipped, redness may appear, a slight burning sensation and tingling may be felt, which disappear after a few hours, manifesting as an even and dark tan.

Body Blush is a unique complex that delivers an instant photoreactive blush that transforms into a gorgeous, deep, dark tan. Cosmetics with Body Blush effect include soothing ingredients that effectively saturate the skin with oxygen molecules. Suitable for darker skin types 3 and 4.

Creams for men. A line of cosmetics designed specifically for men's skin, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the stronger sex. The amount of tanning activators and bronzing components is adjusted taking into account the structure of the skin of men, and the consistency is easy to apply and completely absorbed even on “especially hairy” parts of the body. A persistent masculine fragrance will complement the image of a tanned macho.

We select a cream based on your goals

Many consumers are wondering which tanning cream is best? There is no single answer - each cosmetic product solves certain problems. All creams designed for tanning in a solarium protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet lamps and effectively moisturize it.

When choosing the optimal tanning cream, you need to decide on the expected result from its use:

Solarium tanning brands have taken care of every step. Some offer a natural, gradual tan, others - accelerated and dark, and still others produce creams for extremely fast tanning in a solarium in combination with home self-tanners.

Additional features of tanning products

Dry, dehydrated skin is prone to constant flaking and tanning, so moisturizing is essential. Manufacturers of specialized products for solarium carefully monitor the nutritional value of their products and produce creams that provide full care for tanned skin.

Be sure to moisturize your skin after a tanning session!

The products are saturated with vitamins and moisturizing complexes. After-sun products from the Australian Gold brand are made on the basis of nourishing oils that can saturate tissues with microelements, restore and rejuvenate. Devoted Creations products are also ideal for daily home care. They will make your skin velvety and elastic.

Manufacturers also offer after-sun creams enriched with long-acting bronzing complexes. They continue to give the skin a dark tint after tanning sessions. Which significantly prolongs the life of the chocolate shade on your skin. Creams of a similar action:,